随便 suí biàn
Excerpts from the movie 《Better Days》《Finding Mr. Right》《You Are the Apple of My Eye》
The meaning of "随便" depends on the context.
例如:1. A问:“你想吃什么?” B回答:“随便”,意思就是吃什么都可以。
For example: A asks: "What do you want to eat?" B replies: "随便", which means I can eat whatever you want.
2. A问:“去哪里?” B回答:“随便”,意思是去哪里都可以。
A asks: "Where to go?" B replies: "随便", which means you can go anywhere
3. 影片2中,妈妈问儿子这个房子怎么样?儿子回答“随便”,意思是:我无所谓,你喜欢就好。
In video 2, the mother asks the son how the house is? The son replied "随便", which means: I don't care, as long as you like it.
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