
How to say "up to you" in Chinese?

随便 suí biàn

Excerpts from the movie  《Better Days》《Finding Mr. Right》《You Are the Apple of My Eye

The meaning of "随便" depends on the context.
例如:1. A问:“你想吃什么?” B回答:“随便”,意思就是吃什么都可以。
For example: A asks: "What do you want to eat?" B replies: "随便", which means I can eat whatever you want.

2. A问:“去哪里?” B回答:“随便”,意思是去哪里都可以。
   A asks: "Where to go?" B replies: "随便", which means you can go anywhere

3. 影片2中,妈妈问儿子这个房子怎么样?儿子回答“随便”,意思是:我无所谓,你喜欢就好。
In video 2, the mother asks the son how the house is? The son replied "随便", which means: I don't care, as long as you like it.

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